How To Choose A Emini Trading Platform

Trading online is much easier now than when the mini sized contracts were first introduced a decade ago due to the advancement of trading technology available over the Internet.

With so much technology available to index future traders it is understandable people experience difficulty when choosing a emini trading platform.

With so many to choose from, as futures traders, we must first determine what are the characteristics that make up a good, usable trading platform.

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When we purchase a new automobile, most people usually take the car for a test drive. The same goes for a trading platform.

The vendor should provide a demo for you to use for a brief period of time to decide if the software is right for you, your trading plan and your personality.

Not all platforms are created equal and a demo can provide invaluable information to make your choice.
So first on our check list is does the developer of the platform provide a demo for you "test drive"?

Make sure the demo provides the data to track the S&P, Dow YM and Nasdaq NQ futures.

Several other factors should be considered when determining which trading platform is best suited for your trading purposes.

Choosing the wrong platform can increase the odds of hindering trading style and failing to profit which translate into bad money management, in this case, capital preservation.

By building your checklist of attributes needed to fit your trading goals and style, you can further enhance your chances of selecting a platform which helps you to be successful.

Although there are several platforms available to future traders, one underlying attribute required is ease of use.

Traders want to trade the markets and spend their time becoming a proficient student of the futures markets, not spending a their time learning how to manage a complicated trading platform.

User friendliness without confusing add on features which require a background in programming is desirable.

There are two types of trading platforms available. One is the stand alone module which resides on the trader's hard drive and the other is a web based online platform.

Accessibility is the strong suit of the web-based online platform. Wherever the trader can connect to the Internet, he can be up an running, trading the market.

A stand alone module based platform requires the trader to be in front of the computer in which the software based program resides on the hard drive.

In this situation, it depends mainly on the lifestyle of the individual emini trader. For those which will be trading from the same location everyday, a stand alone platform is more than adequate.

For those traders that are on the go and travel, an online platform is ideal. Also, online based programs eliminate the worry of computer crashes since the trader can easily access the market through another computer.

One very important aspect of a trading platform is data feeds.

It does not matter if you purchase the best platform on the market, it will be useless without reliable real-time market feeds.

Real-time data is a crucial component of any trading platform and reliable vendors providing data feeds are a must.

It cannot be stressed enough the importance of accurate real-time market information.

If a trader does not have confidence in the information he is receiving, it will result in poorly executed trades which translates into losses.

Very often when traders are going through the selection process of determining which trading platform to use, they fail to consider customer service, including technical support.

Unlike the cash markets which open with the morning bell and close with the sounding of the closing bell, the index futures markets continue to trade after a brief break.

With a market which trades almost entirely around the clock, it is essential that the trader have access to customer support should a problem occur with the trading platform.

If customer support is not available after normal business hours, although the futures market is open, the possibility of losing money is very real if the problem cannot be resolved quickly.

Failing to consider the importance of customer and technical support when choosing a trading platform is a recipe for disaster.

In conclusion, we have discussed some of the most important components which should be considered when choosing a emini trading platform.

Use the demo provided by vendors and spend enough time learning how they work and determine of they are a fit with your trading style.

Become familiar with the different modules and their ease of use and understanding, or lack there of. A trading system is so important to the success of a trader that sufficient time should be spent making sure the system chosen is right for you.

There are many  trading systems available and with enough research, you will find the one that best provides for your trading needs.


so its not enough just to learn emini trading basics. But also you must find the right platform to help you in your trades. But it would be also great if someone is helping every step in the way guiding you. Like a person who has been trading for years, who has the experience.

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